Category Archives: Birds

The American Robin is a very rare vagrant

The American Robin  (Turdus migratorius) is a very rare vagrant from North America. In October 2008 this American Robin stayed on our garden from the 18th until the 31st. It was a very special feeling seeing this beautiful American bird  nibbling on an apple just outside our window day after day.

Farþröstur – American Robin – Turdus migratorius , Selfoss, South Iceland 24 October 2008

Seeing an American Robin is not something you can often expect here in the North Atlantic. A lot of birders visited us to see this rare vagrant.


Adorable Pink-foot Chicks


There is no denying that the Pink-foot chicks  are irresistable. They are just too cute and not afraid of people. It is perhaps not wise to go too close like Anna Rut did in this photo. When she was going to leave them they just followed her. They even tried to follow the car. In the end she was crying in the car because she thought they had lost their mother.

Heiðagæs – Pink-footed Goose – Anser brachyrhynchus

The Greylag lays up to seven eggs

Grágæs – Greylag – Anser anser

The Greylag (Anser anser) is the biggest goose that breeds in Iceland. The species counts 20 to 40 thousand pairs. The Greylag mostly breeds in the lowlands, in lush vegetation and scrubs near water.


It lays up to seven eggs. In later summer they can be seen in cornfields and meadows but most of them leave for the British Isles in the autumn. In the last few years thousands of Greylags have overwintered here in Iceland.
Continue reading The Greylag lays up to seven eggs

The Jack Snipe is difficult to spot

The Jack Snipe  (Lymnocryptes minimus) is a tiny version of the Common Snipe. It is possibly a rare breeding bird in Iceland but breeding has never been confirmed. It is difficult to see the Jack Snipe on the ground, it sits quite still, then crouches low, before exploding into the air and landing usually only a short distance away.  Jack Snipes are annual visitors in Iceland in the wintertime. They can be found where the ground is unfrozen, in and near warm streams and brooks.

Dvergsnípa – Jack Snipe – Lymnocryptes minimus

This one was in a warm brook near Selfoss, South Iceland, in the middle of January 2015.

Inland Seabird

The Northern Fulmar’s first known breeding in Icelandic territory was in Grimsey, an island north of Iceland, in the beginning of the 19th century. Since then they have spread over the whole country, first in ocean cliffs and now they have started breeding in mountains and cliffs, even 70 km inland.  Despite this they get all their food in the ocean.

Fýll – Northern Fulmar – Fulmarus glacialis

They look for breeding places as early as February and start laying eggs in March. To protect their eggs and chicks they throw up foul smelling bile.

This photo is taken in Látrabjarg, Westfjords, Iceland, 2011.

Great Northern Diver / Common Loon

The Great Northern Diver is a characteristic bird on Icelandic mountain lakes.  You can hear its a special laughing call on the lakes and in flight its wailing calls resound in rocks and craters, creating an unforgettable atmosphere, memories of quiet summer nights. In USA it is called the Common Loon but in UK it is called the Great Northern Diver.

Great Northern Diver / Common Loon

The Great Northern Diver chooses its nesting place on islands or islets or else by the banks of the lakes. The nests are most often in moss or grass but sometimes on sandy lakeshores. The nests are usually about 1 – 2 meters from the water level. The eggs are usually two.

Himbrimi – Great Northern Diver / Common Loon – Gavia immer

Big clear mountain lakes full of fish are the Great Northern Divers favourite nesting place. Their main food source is trout. There is usually just one pair on each lake unless the lake is very big.

Fanning its wings

A nesting pair usually claims a whole lake as its territory and makes sure that no one gets too near and uses force to keep other Divers away.

A pair with a 2-3 week old chicks

Most Great Northern Divers stay in the ocean around Iceland over the winter time, a few go to the UK or West Europe.

A perfect place for the Great Northern Diver – Veiðivötn in the South Iceland highlands

There are around 300 breeding pairs in Iceland and it is the Great Northern Divers only nesting place  in Europe.

Today’s garden birds

In the lack of daylight in the last few weeks photographing birds in the garden has been difficult. Now the days are getting longer and it’s easier to get good photoes.  Today I managed to take two rather nice photoes, if I say so myself, of a Common Crossbill and a Redpoll.

Auðnutittlingur – Redpoll – Carduelis flammea

The birdlife in the garden has been very lively today.
This is a list of today’s birds:

  • Merlin (smyrill) 2
  • Sparrowhawk (sparrhaukur) 1
  • Blackbird (svartþröstur) 6
  • Redwing (skógarþröstur) 3
  • Raven (hrafn) 3
  • Starling (stari) 50
  • Robin (glóbrystingur) 1
  • Chaffinch (bókfinka) 5
  • Redpoll (auðnutittlingur) 30
  • Common Crossbill (krossnefur) 3
  • Snow Bunting (snjótittlingur) 50
Krossnefur – Common Crossbill – Loxia curvirostra

For further information on the garden birds: