Common Chiffchaffs from Europe and Siberia

Gransöngvari – Common Chiffchaff – Phylloscopus collybita (origin Western and Central Europe)

In the last few days a lot of Common Chiffchaffs have been spotted  in Iceland, especially in the South and the Southeast. These are birds who have been swept out to sea by strong winds from Western Europe, some of them coming from as far as Siberia. They are annual vagrants in Iceland.

Gransöngvari – Common Chiffchaff – Phylloscopus collybita
Gransöngvari – Common Chiffchaff – Phylloscopus collybita (origin Siberia)

There is some variations between birds from different parts of  Eurasia. The European ones are more yellow than the Siberian ones and the birds from northerly regions are paler than the ones from the southerly regions.


In the last few days I have seen 19 Common Chiffchaffs in South Iceland.


Berries for all meals

Earlier in the autumn Thrushes and Starlings preferred bilberries (Icelandic blueberries) and crowberries but now they have come into the towns and gardens to eat.

Skógarþröstur – Redwing – Turdus iliacus

They are busy eating berries from the Rowans and some other garden shrubs.

Stari – Starling – Sturnus vulgaris



The autumn is a tranquil time of year. When summer comes to an end in the Northern Hemisphere the trees shed their leaves. This is their way of surviving the cold winter. The leaves change colour becoming yellow, orange and red, as nutrients are moved to the roots for reuse next spring.


In warmer parts of the world trees shed their leaves on the onset of the dry season. The shedding of leaves is a mechanism to survive cold or dry weather.


Summer birds still around

Þúfutittlingur – Meadow Pipit – Anthus pratensis

There are still some summer birds around although most have migrated to warmer climates. The weather has been exceptionally good, no harsh autumn winds yet and the temperature a bit higher than the average.  No need to rush when life is so good.

Maríuerla – Pied Wagtail – Motacilla alba

These are two of the guests that still honour us with their presence.

Fireweed autumn colours

Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) in an island in Rivr Ölfusá and Mt Hekla in the background

Autumn colours catch the eye everywhere at this time of year. Red, orange and yellow in adundance.  The bright red here is the autumn colour of the Rosebay Willowherb, more commonly referred to as Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium). This beautiful plant is used both for food and medicine. Fireweed builds a thriving plant community by spreading its tiny seeds and with lateral root networks.  In an island in River Ölfusá this is the case and the plant is overrunning other vegetation.

Goldcrests and aphids

Glókollur – Goldcrest – Regulus regulus

After a warm summer Goldcrests have prospered in Icelandic forests. They mostly keep to spruce trees but can also be spotted in  larch trees, birch and contorta pine groves.

Green Spruce Aphid (Elatobium abietinum) on Sitka Spruce  needle (Picea sitchensis).

The winter should also be a good one for these little birds that once were vagrants. Their main food source in South Iceland are minute bugs called aphids that suck sap from spruce trees. These aphids are now  reproducing rapidly  on the Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis).


We spotted at least four Goldcrests last week in Hellisskógur by Selfoss.

Skálar and Camp Greely

Remnants of the old fishing village Skálar

In the 1920s Skálar in Langanes was a prosperous fishing village with around 120 inhabitants. During the summertime their numbers doubled. In 1940, during World War II, a few British soldiers were stationed there to guard the coast. In 1942 the Americans arrived and built a radar station in the heath above the village. The camp was called Camp Greely.


The soldiers were on good terms with the villagers, they brought them canned goods and Christmas gifts to the children.  Advances in the fish industry led to the decline of the village and people started to move away from this remote place. Around 1945 only one family was left.


What amazes us is that people lived in such a remote place without a lot of things we take for granted today like e.g. electricity. Skálar is an interesting place to visit both for its history and the scenery.

Enjoy nature with us