Category Archives: Weather
Over the Rainbow
This rainbow appeared after a rain shower around noon today. Notice that on the inside the sky is brighter than on the outside. Such a perfect rainbow brings to mind Judy Garland´s song “Over the Rainbow” from the Wizard of Oz.
Last night

Even Icelanders do not expect to see the Northern Lights until winter but last night’s clear skies sported these beautiful colours. Forecasts say that in the next few nights Northern Light activity will be high. The best time to see them is usually around midnight.
Summer solstice
Summer solstice was yesterday – the longest day of the year. This photo was taken just before midnight when the sun breaks through the cloudy northern sky over Mount Ingólfsfjall with Ölfusá River in the foreground.
Beautiful Sunset
Green skies
Usually the display of Northern Lights is most common in September and October and in late February and March. For some reason there is less chance of seeing them in the darkest months of the year i.e. in December and January.
Thursday night on my way home I noticed some Northern Lights and stopped to take these photoes.
Thin ozone layer
If all winter days could be like this. Clear blue skies and the river, with the sky reflected in it, as blue as it can be . These are the days for skying and skating. One fault though is that the ozone layer over the country is at its thinnest now so every one is advised to use sun blocker.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year dear readers and thanks for following our blog. Our resolution is to continue posting photos of the birdlife around us and bringing you photos and info from interesting places we visit.
Today there is a little more snow than yesterday and the storm Frank has left the country. It is a beautiful first day of the year 🙂
Cold Christmas day
Christmas Day was cold and windy in Selfoss. Lots of snow and temperatures below zero, – 9°C. The same can be said for most of the country but in the North temperatures went down to – 20° C.

Reykjavík is the only capital in Europe to have snow this Christmas. That is unusual for this time of year because in most capitals in East Europe and Scandinavia that would be the norm.
Tonight is winter solstice
We call the shortest day and the longest night of the year winter solstice. It is when the sun’s elevation in the sky is at its lowest which will be tonight at 4:49. So December 22 is the shortest day of the year.
In Reykjavík the sun crawls over the horizon at 11:23, it is at its highest at 13:26 and sets again at 15:30. After tomorrow the days will start to get longer, something almost everyone looks forward to. Happy Solstice 🙂