The Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is the biggest of the dabbling ducks. It is the most common and widely spread duck in lowlands in Iceland but it is scarce in the interior. Most of them overwinter in Iceland, staying by the seaside or in the sea. Some probably go to the British Isles for winter. The breeding population in Iceland is estimated around 15,000 pairs.
Category Archives: Birds
This one is early
The first White Wagtail this spring arrived in the garden today. She went straight to the spruce tree where Wagtails have made their nest in recent years. It seemed to know its way around the place.
The White Wagtail goes all the way to West Africa for winter and most arrive back in Iceland in May. This one is unusually early. The Icelandic breeding population counts around 50,000 pairs.
Meadow Pipits coming home
Meadow Pipits (Anthus pratensis) are now arriving in Iceland with the southeast winds. Yesterday and today they were seen flying over Selfoss. The Meadow Pipit is the most common passerine bird in Iceland, with a breeding population estimated 500,000 – 1,000,000 pairs. They are common breeding birds all over the country, also in the interior where there is some vegetation. The Meadow Pipit’s winter grounds are in Southwest Europe and in Morocco.
Picking mussels
April is a good month to go mussel picking but next month it is the mussels’ breeding time and also it will be too warm. There are a lot of things to take into consideration when picking, cleaning and cooking mussels. Here is some info from an American blog; The Solo Cook.
Today we took part in an event organised by The Icelandic University and The Iceland Touring Association. More than 100 people joined in a trip to pick mussels. It was a wonderful day and everyone seemed to enjoy the beach and the weather which was much better than expected.
In Iceland you do not need to get a license but in some places the beach is private property.
These were steam-cooked and eaten straight from the pot. It is difficult to describe the taste of mussels but to say they taste like the sea is the best I can do.
Three species of Thrushes
In the last few days there have been three species of Thrushes in the garden. We have had up to 25 Redwings, 5 Blackbirds and a Fieldfare. The photoes are taken in the garden in the last few days.
Redpolls courting
Courting in the garden is now in full swing. The Redpolls are the loudest and most boisterous. Around 20-30 Redpolls come and make use of the feed and there is a lot going on. The males are constantly fighting and trying to get the attention of the females. Many of them now boast a pink chest and the red patch on their forehead easily catches one’s attention where ever they go.
Red-breasted Goose
Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) was found today in Flói, South Iceland not far from Selfoss. Only the fourth to be found in Iceland and a new X for me. Photographed from a distance of 400-500 m.
Geese in big groups
Geese are now in big groups in meadows and fields in the south of Iceland. They come from their winter grounds in the British Isles.
Most of the geese are Pinkfoot (Anser brachyrhynchus) and Greylag (Anser anser) which are breeding birds in Iceland. Groups of Greenlandic Whitefront (Anser albifronssem) come and stopover in Iceland on their way to and from their breeding grounds on the West coast of Greenland.
The photo is taken this morning of a group of Whitefronts, along with one Greylag and one Pinkfoot. Click on the photo to and see if you can spot them.
April weather
The Goldcrest endured the winter
Today I saw a Goldcrest in a grove in Hellisskógur in Selfoss. This is the first Goldcrest I spot since December. I was beginning to think they had all died in the blizzards and cold this winter. But here at least is one that endured throughout the winter and I am amazed at its resilience.
This winter has been the toughest in the south of Iceland in 15 years and therefore quite a feat for a small bird like the Goldcrest to survive. The Goldcrest is the smallest bird in Europe, weighing only 5-7 grammes. In 1996 the first known breeding in Iceland was confirmed and since then their numbers have been increasing.