Lots of snow and the Northern Lights light up the night sky. This looks a lot like Christmas. Another photo from last night.
Category Archives: Atmosphere
Geothermal and solar energy
Aurora Borealis
Aurora borealis
Northern Lights tonight. Good forecast but rather poor lights and a misty sky. The red color is light pollution from Reykjavik 60 km away.
Frosty river
In the last couple of days we have had temperatures below zero. The days are getting shorter and the river Ölfusá has begun to freeze. This photo is taken around 5 o’clock this afternoon and as you can see the sun is setting.
Northern Lights over Selfoss
This photo is taken yesterday evening in the center of Selfoss. Usually you have to get out of town to get a good photo of the Northern Lights but these were bright enough despite the light pollution.
Morning glow
At 9 o’clock this morning the sun was coming up in the South East. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer and will continue to do so until around December 22.
The wind was blowing, shaping the clouds, and some mist in the sky from the eruption. –The beauty of it all just takes your breath away 🙂
Northern Lights
Beautiful Auroras tonight 🙂
Took a drive just outside town with my camera. The lights from Selfoss town can be seen in the distance.
I never tire of admiring the Northern Ligths.
Sunrise and sunset in the volcanic mist
Six weeks ago a volcanic eruption started in Bárðarbunga in Vatnajökull Glacier, more precisely in Holuhraun, just outside the glacier. Seismicity continues in the Bárðarbunga area, see:
The eruption is in full action and the flow of lava has by now created a lavafield of over 55 square kilometers. It is estimated that the eruption produces 35,000 tons of SO2 daily both from the craters and the lava field. The gas pollution spreads over different parts of Iceland depending on the direction of the wind. The gas alters the clear skies and our sunrise isn’t as dazzling and blinding as usual.
Photos from Selfoss South Iceland at sunset 12 October and sunrise 13 October.
Welcome to our new web :)
Welcome to ORNOSK!
In a short while we will be opening an exiting blog dedicated to nature.
Our interest is among many things; birds, geology and nature.
We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Velkomin á ORNOSK!
Bráðlega munum við opna hér spennandi vef sem er tileinkaður náttúrunni.
Aðalviðfangsefnið er fuglar, jarðfræði og auðvitað náttúran.