It is summer solstice – the shortest night of the year. Sunset was at 23:55 and sunrise at 2:57. These are magical nights when the sun is setting and rising so soon afterwards. This photo was taken at 1:30, in the darkest hours, over Ölfusá River and Mount Ingólfsfjall. Now is such a lovely time to go camping because everything is easier when there is light.
There is more or less daylight all the time and does not get totally dark until July 20. No northern lights can be seen until the middle of August.
In February the sun crawls a little bit higher in the sky. We feel its rays warming up our days albeit just slightly. After the darkness of December and January it feels nice to go out during midday to feel its rays on ones skin. Although the weather has been very turbulent we have had a few nice days in the last couple of weeks as these photos show.
The light in these short winter days around winter solstice often creates a beautiful atmosphere and mesmerising conditions.
The sun casts long shadows and the light is soft which is ideal for photographing.
Today, December 21, is the northern winter solstice. It is when the sun’s elevation in the sky is at its lowest, i.e. the shortest day of the year and the longest night. Here in Selfoss sunrise was at 11:15 and sunset at 15:29 and the sun is just 2.7° over the horizon at midday.
After tomorrow the days will start to get longer, something almost everyone looks forward to. Happy Solstice 🙂
It is summer solstice, the shortest night of the year and the longest day of the year. Icelandic summer nights are ideal for outings and camping. No darkness makes everything easier especially for those who are afraid of the dark.
There is little that beats the beauty of the midnight sun. In the middle of summer the sun sets after midnight and is up again before three in the night so there is more or less daylight also at nighttime.
Some very nice Northern Lights could be seen all over Iceland last week. The weather was excellent, beautiful clear skies. The red ones were spectacular but only lasted for a short while. When I managed to get outside and put up my gear, they had vanished and the more common green colours had replaced the red ones.
Photos taken by Lake Thingvallavatn.
In the last few days one storm after another has moved across Iceland. Most days the wind has been between 15 – 23 m/s. This has disrupted travels and plans for Christmas. Life for sea birds has also been difficult in the turbulent sea. Some look for shelter in fjords and harbours where the wind is not as harsh as out in the open seas.
The harbour in Thorlakshofn (Þorlákshöfn) is one of these sheltering places where birds flock in bad weathers.
Groups of Eiders, Long-Tailed Ducks, Red-Breasted Mergansers and Gulls have been there and a few Cormorants and King Eiders have been seen. Also a Black Guillemot and a Razorbill in the company of Little Auks.
Today was the shortest day of the year, winter solstice. The sun rose at about 11.15 and will set at around 15.30. It was a beautiful day, with intermittent snowfall and some blue skies could even be seen during the brightest time of the day. The weather forecast predicts a White Christmas and today was one of these perfect days to get into a Christmas mood.