Category Archives: Birds

Young Gyrfalcons

Fálki – Gyrfalcon – Falco rusticolus

The Gyrfalcon is not a common breeding bird in Iceland so seeing one is always a treat. Estimated number of breeding pairs is 300. They are more common in the North but can be spotted all over the country. Their numbers are determined by the numbers of Ptarmigan which is their main food although they hunt most birds.

Gyrfalcon on flight

The two Gyrfalcon siblings that I came across had killed a Pink-footed Goose and were busy eating it. They did not want to leave their prey which made photographing them not to difficult.

The remains of a Pink-footed Goose
The remains of a Pink-footed Goose

Small birds flying South

Þúfutittlingur – Meadow Pipit – Anthus pratensis

In the last few days flocks of small birds, such as Meadow Pipits, Wheatears and Wagtails, have flown off in a southerly direction. Most of them are on their way to Africa or Southern Europe. These species do not stay in Iceland during winter. They are insect eaters and have no other choice than to head south to a warmer climate to survive.  In the best of circumstances the estimated flight time to the nearest European countries is at least 24 hours. Many to do not reach their destination and perish on the way.
These photoes were taken at the beach by Eyrarbakki, South Iceland, where huge flocks could be seen, waiting for favourable winds to take them on their way.

Steindepill – Wheatear – Oenanthe oenanthe

Canada Goose

Kanadagæs – Branta canadensis – Canada Goose and Whooper Swans

The Canada Goose is an annual vagrant in Iceland. Most of these geese probably come from Europe. Once in a while, however, a smaller type is seen which could be originated from North America.

A Canada Goose in the company of Whooper Swans
A Canada Goose in the company of Whooper Swans

In the last few weeks a smaller Canada Goose (perhaps ssp interior) has been seen among some Whooper Swans by Lake Snjóölduvatn in Veiðivötn (Fishing Lakes) in the South Interior. It is rather shy and not easy to get near it.

The call of the Diver (Loon)

Himbrimi - Great Northern Diver - Gavia immer
Himbrimi – Great Northern Diver – Gavia immer

The wail of the Great Northern Diver (Common Loon) is very familiar and is used unsparingly in the film industry. It is one of the top ten sound effects we all recognise from movies.  Hear it here. Movies from all over the world seem to use its call. To the ear of the birder it sounds very silly, especially when it is used in places far from the Great Northern Diver’s habitat.

Purple Sandpiper with chicks

Sendlingur – Purple Sandpiper – Calidris maritima

The Purple Sandpiper is a breeding bird in the Icelandic highlands but during the winter time it resides along the coast.


In the beginning of August I came across this Purple Sandpiper with its two chicks in Veiðivötn (Fishing Lakes) in the southern interior. They move down to the sea once frost and snow make it impossible for them to get to their feed.

Purple Sandpiper chick

Two eggs but only one chick

Himbrimi – Great Northern Diver – Gavia immer

The Great Northern Diver raises its chicks on trout fry and therefore resides on lakes that offer such food. This Diver has  one chick which is most common although the eggs are two. The parents can seldom find enough food for two chicks to survive, thus only one lives to become an adult. This bird with its chick was in Veiðivötn Lakes in the southern highlands.

Feeding its chick
Feeding its chick

Barrow’s Goldeneye with recently hatched ducklings

I photographed this Barrow’s Goldeneye with 7 recently hatched ducklings at Veiðivötn /Hraunvötn, southern highlands  in the week – a very late date for such young birds. In Iceland Barrow’s Goldeneye is more or less restricted to the north-east although some pairs do breed in the southern highlands.

Húsönd – Barrows Goldeneye – Bucephala islandica

Leaving soon for the South

Kría – Arctic Tern – Sterna paradisaea

The Arctic Tern  (Sterna paradisaea) has now left the mountain lakes in the Icelandic interior. On August 7 they were flying above the lakes in flocks, catching sticklebacks to feed to their young ones. Three days later they had disappeared with their chicks that were by then ready for flight. In all probability they are now in the sea around the country and will soon take flight in a southward direction. After about two months flight they will reach the sea around the South Pole (Antartica) where they will stay until spring arrives again.

Young Artic Tern

The photoes are taken  in Veiðivötn, Fishing Lakes, in the Icelandic Southern Interior.

Arrive late and leave early

The Red-necked Phalarope is one of the latest migratory birds to arrive in Iceland, in the middle of May. They also leave early.  They merely come here to mate and only stay long enough for their young ones to grow  old enough to travel.

Óðinshani – Red-Necked Phalarope – Phalaropus lobatus, in June

Now they are getting into their winter plumage that is much lighter than the summer plumage.  Most of them have already left lakes and ponds for the sea. There they put on some weight for their long journey to the Pacific coast of Peru where they stay on the open sea while winter rages in the northern hemisphere.

Red-necked Phalarope,  in August
Red-necked Phalarope, in August

American vagrants

Kambönd-  Hooded Merganser -
Kambönd- Hooded Merganser – Mergus cucullatus

A Hooded Merganser had been seen on Skógtjörn in Álftanes (suburb of Reykjavik). It took a while to spot it among the other birds but I managed to catch a photo of it in the distance. There it was with other birds such as Greylags, Eiders and Mergansers. The Hooded Merganser is moulting and will probably stick around for a while. This bird is probably the one that has been seen in lakes around Reykjavík the last two winters.

A White-rumped Sandpiper was in Bakkatjörn Pond in Seltjarnarnes (suburd of Reykjavik), but I did not find it. The White-rumped Sandpiper is an annual guest in Iceland.