If all winter days could be like this. Clear blue skies and the river, with the sky reflected in it, as blue as it can be . These are the days for skying and skating. One fault though is that the ozone layer over the country is at its thinnest now so every one is advised to use sun blocker.
All posts by Örn Óskarsson
Charming village on the coast
Eyrarbakki is a small town on the south coast. It was formerly the main harbour town and trading place on the south coast.
It is known for its quint old houses that were built close to one another along the coast. Now it has become a popular place to live in and more and more houses are being renovated.
The House (Húsið) is a museum of olden times. It is in one of Iceland’s oldest buildings from 1765. It was built by Danish merchants who overwintered in Iceland.
The village Eyrarbakki, along with its beautiful coastline, is a popular tourist attraction.
Just a short stop

A pair of Common Crossbills came by the garden last week, just this once, as far as we know. We are hoping that these beautiful tame birds come to stay. They eat sunflower seeds from the seed feeders.
The Common Crossbills come and visit every once in a while but more often we see them fly over without coming by.
Winter birds

In the snow yesterday and today birds have streamed into the garden in search of food. We counted 90 Redpolls, 27 Redwings, 10 Blackbirds, 5 Fieldfares, 50 Starlings, a Snow Bunting and a Goldfinch.

This is a bunch of hungry birds and we went out twice today to fill the feeding trays with sunflower seeds and corn, and to give them bread crumbs and apples.

Still alive

The Goldfinch is still in Selfoss and coming every day to our garden. There was some concern that a Merlin had caught it last weekend. A Merlin made a swift attack and caught a bird but thankfully it was not the Goldfinch as we thought. The next day it appeared again in the garden with the group of Redpolls.
The Goldfinch is staying in the company of Redpolls behaving as they do and eating the same feed. In the last few days it has had to endure a blizzard, frost down to – 13°C and the attacks of a Merlin and a Short-eared Owl.
Arriving in flocks

Again Redpolls have appeared in flocks in Selfoss hunting for food. In the last few days up to 40 have been in our garden. These chirpy and beautiful birds are welcome guests. Few of them were seen here before Christmas and birders and garden owners missed them and speculated as to their whereabouts. Some even maintained that the stock had declined or that Redpolls had fled the country. The truth is that enough seed was to be had in birch forests after a favourable summer. So there was no need for them to leave the forest in search of feed in urban areas. However, here they are again to the joy of probably everyone.
The photos are from this weekend in our garden in Selfoss.
First seen in 2005

This morning a Goldfinch turned up in the garden. This is a new species in the garden, number 50 and a new bird on our Icelandic bird list. The Goldfinch is common in Europe but seldom ventures more northerly than the southern regions of Scandinavia.
Goldfinches were first seen in Iceland in 2005 and fifteen birds have been spotted since then. Most of these birds have been seen in Hornafjörður in Southeast Iceland. This is the first time the Goldfinch has been seen so westerly.
Singing in January

I found some Common Crossbills on my walk in Grímsnes, South Iceland, last week. One male was already singing. In the last few years the Common Crossbills have started breeding in spruce and pine forests in February although it is still winter.

It will be interesting to see if this will also be the case this winter. We will be keeping an eye on them.

Clear skies, snow and frost

On Monday night we had a blizzard with blocked roads and the like. The last two days, however, have been exceptionally beautiful. Clear skies and calm winds, snow and ice everywhere. Winter days do not get much better than this if we leave out how difficult it is to get around, the dangerously slippery conditions and the frost that has been down to minus 10°.

Ivory Gull

The Ivory Gull is a breeding bird by the shores of the Arctic Sea. It has a near-circumpolar distribution in Arctic seas, breeding from north Canada, Greenland, Svalbard and islands off northern Russia.
Young Ivory Gulls are white with specs of grey and black in the wings and tail. When adult they become all white. Young birds are seen by Icelandic shores every year but grown-ups are rarely seen.
Today and yesterday a young Ivory Gull was seen in Þorlákshöfn, in South Iceland. The photos are taken today.