Tag Archives: Melanitta deglandi

North American Sea Duck

Kolönd – White-winged Scoter – Melanitta deglandi

The White-winged Scoter is a rather rare vagrant in Iceland. In recent years, however,  one to two birds have been spotted here almost every year.  It is a North American seabird that sometimes breeds far inland by lakes and ponds. The White-winged Scoter can be seen in gull colonies where  it breeds in high grass which shields the eggs from marauding gulls.

A White-winged Scoter and an Eider (female)

This young male Scoter was in the harbour of Þorlákshöfn, in South Iceland, two weeks ago. It was with a flock of Eiders and Long-tailed Ducks that had sought shelter there from heavy winds on the sea.