Category Archives: Weather
Luminescent colours

It is autumn and we have started putting out apples for the birds. There is no way to chose the ones the come to feed in the garden and the Starling is quite common here. This is the first apple this autumn and with the Starlings around it was finished within an hour.
Why does the Starling have such a bad reputation? Is it not a beautiful bird? Not many sport such luminescent blue and green colours.
Early in the morning

This Common Crossbill pair was here in the beginning of summer with three chicks. They are in the garden again, now with two other chicks. Early in the morning they come to eat the sunflower seeds that we put out for our feathered friends. These former vagrants have in the past six to seven years made Iceland their home.
Strong and bright Northern Lights
This evening the Northern lights over Selfoss were so strong and bright that the lights from the town did not affect them. A group of people had gathered, many of them tourist, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement. Every time the lights danced across the sky you could hear people applause, and I did too.
Info on Northern Lights on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora
The autumn’s first Northern Lights
In the last few nights Northern Lights have adorned the night sky over Iceland. From around August 20 the nights become dim enough for the Northern Lights to become visible, but in summer it is too bright. Last night, around midnight, the Northern Lights could be seen, here in the sky above the church at Úlfljótsvatn (South Iceland, near Þingvallavatn). They were bright enough to be seen despite the bright moonlight.
Our home is planet Earth
We can’t live without her
Julia Robert gives nature a voice. We can’t live without Mother Nature.
Auroras in the evening March 25
Eclipse of the Sun
Conditions to observe the solar eclipse in Iceland today were very good. There were clear skies and people could be seen all over the place with special glasses so as to be able to look at the sun without damaging their eyes.
The total phase of the solar eclipse was not visible in Iceland, but it could be observed there as a partial solar eclipse. The Moon covered only a small portion of the Sun as can be seen in the photoes here.
Last night’s outing
Last night we had some clear skies and I just couldn’t stay indoors. Some Northern lights were predicted and despite the cold I went out of town with my camera. I met some like-minded people, among them an American pair that had just come for a 5 days stay in Iceland with the aim of seeing the Northern lights. Yes, I am not the only one who is mesmerised by these natural phenomena.
Catching the Northern lights on camera is an endless challenge for me. Here’s what came out of last night’s outing.