Category Archives: Birds

The biggest passerine

Hrafn – Raven – Corvus corax

The Raven (Corvus corax) is the biggest passerine bird (Passeriformes) in the world and a common breeding bird in Iceland.

Hrafn – Raven – Corvus corax

The Raven  lays its egg in rocks and ravines and sometimes in houses and trees. Breeding starts early in April.


There are around 2,000 breeding pairs in Iceland and the Raven stays in Iceland the whole year. This nest was in Helliskógur by Selfoss.

Raven nest

A rare vagrant from Greenland

Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll (Carduelis hornemanni hornemanni) has been in the garden for the last few days. This bird breeds in Northern Greenland and the northerly regions of the Canadian Arctic.

Hrímtittlingur – Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll – Carduelis hornemanni hornemanni

The Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll and the Snow Bunting are the species that have the most northerly breeding distribution of all passerines.

Hrímtittlingur – Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll – Carduelis hornemanni hornemanni

These photoes were taken in the garden yesterday, February 11, 2015.

Whooper Swans returning

The first Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus) flocks are now arriving in Iceland despite heavy winds and blizzards. Whooper Swans are breeding birds all over the country.


Mosts go to the British Isles in the winter. The Swan returns in the latter part of March and adult birds often go straight to their territory and the mating begins.  The Swan is loyal to its mate and the pairs stay together throughout their lives.


The Wheatear

The Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) is a common breeding bird in Iceland. They are migratory birds with winter grounds in West Africa.

Steindepill – Wheatear – Oenanthe oenanthe

Most Wheatears come to Iceland in May and they are usually flown to their wintergrounds in September. They often visit the garden in the autumn before their departure for Africa. The photoes are taken in Selfoss.

Steindepill – Wheatear – Oenanthe oenanthe

The Purple Sandpiper is not afraid of people

The Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) is the most common wader in Iceland. It breeds mostly in the interior but can be seen in huge flocks by the seaside in the winter time.

Sendlingur – Purple Sandpiper – Calidris maritima

A lot of Purple Sandpipers come from Greenland and the Nordic countries and stay here during the winter. The Purple Sandpiper is a sociable bird and not afraid of people.

Purple Sandpiper with nestlings

Wood Duck

Brúðönd – Wood Duck – Aix sponsa

The Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) is a common bird in woodlands by lakes in the eastern part of North America. This duck has only been seen seven times in Iceland. Wood Ducks are very beautiful and have been moved to Duck Gardens in Continental Europe. This male was very tame and might very probably have escaped from such  a garden. This photo was taken by the Pond in Reykjavík, October 28, 1994.

Bullfinches flocked to Iceland in 1994

The Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) belongs to the Finch family  (Fringillidae) and breeds throughout most of Europe. They are non-migratory in their habitats but in Scandinavia they are partly migratory birds and vagrant outside their usual habitat, especially when food is scarce.  The Bullfinches that have been seen in Iceland are probably from Scandinavia. The biggest group of Bullfinches to be seen here was in autumn 1994.  That winter 40 to 50 birds were spotted throughout the country.

Dómpápi – Bullfinch – Pyrrhula pyrrhula (male)

This photo was taken in March 1995 in Þrastaskógur, Grímsnes, South Iceland. Seven birds were seen there in the winter 1994 – 1995.

The most loved bird in Iceland

The Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) is probably the most loved Icelandic bird. Its arrival in the spring is looked forward to because it signals the coming of summer. The Golden Plower is a common breeding bird and it lays its eggs in dry heathland both in lowlands and highlands.

Heiðlóa – Golden Plover – Pluvialis apricaria

The Golden Plower loses its black colour in the winter time and in September most of them have become almost white on the  belly.

Golden Plover in winter dress

The breeding population counts around 300,000 pairs. The Golden Plower goes to Ireland for the coldest months of winter, leaves late (October) and comes back early (April).

The smallest duck in Europe

Urtönd – Teal – Anas crecca (male)

The Teal (Anas crecca) is the smallest duck in Iceland and in the whole of Europe. It can be found both in highlands and lowlands. A part of the breeding population goes to the British Isles in the autumn but huge flocks stay here the whole winter. The breeding population counts around  3,000-5,000 pairs.

Urtönd – Teal – Anas crecca

In Ölfusá by Selfoss town there are usually around 30 – 60 birds in the winter time.

Teal – female laying on eggs
Urtönd – Teal – Anas crecca

These photoes are taken by Tjörnin (the Pond) in Reykjavík and in Veiðivötn (Fishing Lakes) in the southern interior.