All posts by Kristin

What bird is this?

Can you guess? Well, this is my Common Crossbill, a bit different from the one outside in the garden.

krossnefur I like drawing birds. Most of my bird-drawings originate from my imagination. They are usually not made to look like any special bird, they stand on their own and I would say they look like all birds, or no bird at all 😉

Time flies – November is here

Next week the weather forecast is predicting colder weather. Then we can expect more birds in the garden. Today we have around 15 Redpolls, 10 Starlings, five Blackbirds, two Redwings,two male Blackcaps and a female Caffinch. There was also a Raven but they tend to stick to the treetops.


We can usually see several Ravens in the sky above our house and by the river. They are a sight to see and you might think they were showing off their flight agility. Sometimes when they visit the garden they remind us of naughty kids, – full of mischief, sitting in the top of the trees breaking off branches and crowing loudly.

Being different


Most of the Redpolls we see are just the ordinary Icelandic ones but once in a while you see an individual bird that stands out from the rest. This autumn we had a Redpoll that was quite different. It was a very beautiful and much whiter Redpoll than the ordinary ones.


Early in 2011 we also had a Redpoll that was different. News spread around town of a small white bird that came into gardens with a group of Redpolls. The local paper even had some news on this peculiar bird. The bird turned out to be a white Redpoll. It was first spotted in autumn 2010 and was seen in Selfoss most days until the end of March 2011.
Read more in articles: White Redpoll

Welcome to our new web :)


Welcome to ORNOSK!
In a short while we will be opening an exiting blog dedicated to nature.
Our interest is among many things; birds, geology and nature.

We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Velkomin á ORNOSK!
Bráðlega munum við opna hér spennandi vef sem er tileinkaður náttúrunni.
Aðalviðfangsefnið er fuglar, jarðfræði og auðvitað náttúran.