In the lack of daylight in the last few weeks photographing birds in the garden has been difficult. Now the days are getting longer and it’s easier to get good photoes. Today I managed to take two rather nice photoes, if I say so myself, of a Common Crossbill and a Redpoll.

The birdlife in the garden has been very lively today.
This is a list of today’s birds:
- Merlin (smyrill) 2
- Sparrowhawk (sparrhaukur) 1
- Blackbird (svartþröstur) 6
- Redwing (skógarþröstur) 3
- Raven (hrafn) 3
- Starling (stari) 50
- Robin (glóbrystingur) 1
- Chaffinch (bókfinka) 5
- Redpoll (auðnutittlingur) 30
- Common Crossbill (krossnefur) 3
- Snow Bunting (snjótittlingur) 50

For further information on the garden birds: