Glóbrystingur – European Robin – Erithacus rubecula
The Robin is always very welcome, such a delicate bird. We have not seen many of them in recent years and sorely miss them. A few of them were seen throughout the country in October. This one stayed here for three days and is hopefully making use of feed in some to other nice people’s garden now.
Glóbrystingur – European Robin – Erithacus rubecula
Since autumn this Robin has been a daily guest in the garden. Our Robin roams the neighbourhood but always turns up again. We have news of another one just over the river. Hopefully they are a male and a female that will pair up and breed here in the spring.
The Robin is a rather common vagrant in Iceland and is known to have breed here.
Glóbrystingur – European Robin – Erithacus rubecula
The European Robin has been an annual autumn guest in our garden for the last four years but before that we did not see one here for more than 15 years. From the beginning of November a Robin has visited us. It usually appears when there are few other birds around, quietly sneaking about in the undergrowth and visiting the feeders.
Usually one Robin claims the garden as its territory and drives other Robins away.
A number of European Robins were spotted around the country after a Southeast storm in October. They are annual vagrants in Iceland and are known to have bred here.
Glóbrystingur – European Robin – Erithacus rubecula
Two European Robins where in the garden yesterday. The one who was here first drove the new one away, again and again, – not willing to share the food with another of its kind. Like some other birds, the Robin claims territory over the winter time. The presence of other Robins is not tolerated within the territory.
Glóbrystingur – European Robin – Erithacus rubecula
There are new guests in the garden. A European Robin, two female Blackcaps and a Brambling. They are more than welcome and the Robin got a piece of melon, the Blackcaps an apple and the Brambling some seeds.
Hettusöngvari – Blackcap – Sylvia atricapilla
They seemed happy with the refreshments but as the day went on they had to fight with Starlings, Blackbirds and Redwings for food.
The European Robin is a vagrant in Iceland. It’s a long time since we had them in our garden, 20 years actually. This winter we have had two and one is still in the garden. We really like having the Robin and take care to leave food in its favourite place. Hopefully it will manage to survive the winter <3
Glóbrystingur – European Robin – Erithacus rubecula