This is one of the female blackcaps I mentioned earlier. Although she´s shy I managed to capture this picture of her while she was enjoying the apple. The other female is gone, driven away by this one who seems to be the spouse.
Another female Blackcap has now joined the pair from yesterday (see previous post). The three of them are feeding in the garden. Here is the male eating an apple that I placed on a twig. The girls are a bit shy and not at all fond of the camera.
– Stay tuned and see if I manage to get a good photo of them.
This male Blackcap visited my garden this morning. He was not shy when I came along with my camera. But it was difficult to get close to the female who accompanied him. The Blackcap is a vagrant in Iceland but an annual guest in my garden and sometimes I have managed to keep a few of them alive through the whole winter.
– Stay tuned for updates on this couple.